Our Dreams

Our Dreams

Wednesday 26 June 2013


I always love something about blogging, it is always at the back of my mind. Whenever I traveled to certain places, had lunch/dinner at a certain area on a certain occasion, or just a simple date with love, I would always love to blog it all out. Especially with all the beautiful pictures to accompany it, doesn't matter are there anyone out there even reading it but yeah, procrastinating at its best. As always.. Days became weeks, weeks became months, so on and so forth. Believe me, I haven't even upload any pictures of my Taipei trip since Jan 2013 till now. 

Well, partly was due to of course starting of my school. Even almost nearing to the end of first semester, I still do not why I choose Marketing as my course :/ Oh well, down with 1 month so 7 more months left to go before I graduate! So many things to look forward to 2014!!! 

Things/Events Happening on 2014

(technically speaking, my last day of school is Dec 2013 :3)


 So proud of him 
He might even have the chance to celebrate his graduation at Perth!!!
please please please let this come true~


Planning with love to spend at least 2 weeks during the mid of 2014!! 
Seriously, I cannot contain my excitement any longer!! 
*save, save, save, save xinfinity*

4. Might be able to apply for our HDB Flat at Punggol!! 
(ok, this isn't something we should be looking forward to cause it only means that we waited for a freakishly long time but well, trying to make the list longer :/)

Okay, that's about all the major events that are going to happen (if nothing goes wrong of course). Well, at least there is also something worth looking forward to at the end of 2013... 


Exceptionally looking forward to this trip. Why? Cause it's been centuries since I last traveled with my family, whole family. And I haven't been to Hong Kong before!!! Heard there's lots of cheap food/shopping/cosmetics etc etc. Well, ultimately is cause finally my parents get to travel after being stuck in Singapore for like another few centuries :/ 


Okay! Time to do some work! 
*I'm actually writing this post during my working hours* 

Sunday 8 July 2012

Harry Potter: The Exhibition

Ok first of all, am too busy nowadays to update this blog and honestly speaking there's not much 'wow' stuffs to blog about either... Until yesterday! Hehehehe! Sweet boyfriend of mine finally brought me to the Harry Potter: The Exhibition! It was hell of a fun but maybe due to the authentic artifacts was from the series of Harry Potter films itself (eg. the clothings/robes they wore, the furnitures in Hogwarts), we are not allowed to take any photos in the exhibition if not we will be banished to Azkaban! We are not even allowed to touch the artifacts except for the interactive ones :'(

Photo taking session before the exhibit really starts. (I love their scarffffffs) 
The only photo we are allowed to take... which is the posters of all the Harry Potter films :'(

The exhibition was really... way beyond awesome. Of course, this is from a Potter's fan point of view because we get to see simply everything (of course apart from the magic). From the clothes they wore in each of the films, significant wands they carried, the bed in their dorms, to even the food feast they always served at Hogwarts. They even create a Hadrig's Hut in the exhibition, the clothes he wore and lets not forget about Buckbeak from Prisoner of Azkaban! Aside that, the interactive thing in Hadrig's Hut will be his chair. Swear it is the most comfortable chair I've ever sat on! Remember the number of wizards who signed up for Dumbledore Army from the Order of Phoenix film? The paper itself was in the exhibition with the wizards signature, which includes Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Cho Chang etc!!  I seriously can't explained how detailed this exhibition can get. The gift shop of the whole exhibition was... astounding. They are selling all the replica wands of each wizards, their scarfs (which i regret not buying :( ), the Marauder Map etc! Just want to buy them all :( Okay! Time to have a look on my loooooooooooooooots! 

Bought the Elder Wand pen, the Time Turner necklace and also the photo we took! 

Just in case nobody knows what this is,
It's a necklace that Dumbledore gave it to Hermione from the Prisoner of Azkaban film. 
The necklace will time travel which Hermione uses it to help save Sirius Black and Buckbeak :')

 The Elder Wand/Pen which was Dumbledore's wand. 
Can't get over how cute it is! (but never am I going to use the bookmark :/)

Seriously, can't expressed how happy am I with all the cute cute loots! 
Especially, the most pretty necklace! <3 
(i'm also loving the iPhone app, Photo Wonder, with all the awesome filters)

Oh oh! Did I mentioned that we also managed to catch a few glimpse of fireworks from the preview of NDP? Lucky us! 

Isn't it beautiful? 
Fireworks never fail to brighten up people's mood! <3

Last but not least, the most important man in my lifeeeeeee! (other than papa kua)

I really want to thank you for making all this possible, 
thank you for getting me the necklace the moment you knew I love it,
thank you for everything you did just to see the smile on my face. 
I love you. <3 

Okay, that will be all on my review of Harry Potter: The Exhibition. Thou it's not much due to lack of photos but all I want to say is, nothing beats coming close to actually seeing everything and experiencing it yourself, so I urge everyone who came across this blog post... visit this exhibition at least ONCE! Of course that's if you're a Potter fan ;)

If you're interested to visit the exhibition, just visit the website Harry Potter: The Exhibition for more information! Hope you guys enjoy it <3 

Monday 2 July 2012

Happy 21st Birthday!

Been updating this blog of mine on an unearthly time! And it's high time for me to do something about my body clock before my school starts. :'(

Yesterday's event was quite nostalgic. Went to attend one of my closest primary school friend's 21st birthday party at NSRCC. Their bungalows are so modern and spacious, with individual BBQ pits! Great place to hold birthday parties or even family/friends' gathering! :)

First up!
Happy birthday pretty lady! <3

She's one of my closest friend for the pasts 6 years in Primary School but we just slowly drifted off after we were dispatched to different Secondary Schools and also busy with our own lives. It was only a few months back when she started organizing a few primary school outings, that's how we are finally back in contact! She's always like an elder sister to me; sharing our problems together, helping me to get my things done, nagging at me over small lil stuffs! Awesome friend to keep! <3 

Just by looking at this picture, makes me reminisce the old times :')
(sorry for the blurry pictures. He's a non professional photographer, please forgive)

Ended off my day with boyfriend coming over to play Diablo 3 together. Sorry, but we are damn hooked onto this game. We could spend hours back-to-back playing this game at either one of our house, and frankly speaking.. I enjoyed every bit of it! It just makes our relationship more fun rather than mundane normal couples would do. Yah, we will still go out and have dates just like any other couples but sometimes, we would rather spend the rest of our day playing Diablo 3 till the night falls. <3 

Such a lengthy post! :/ Let's end off with a picture of a very cute gift from the b'day girl! 

It wrote, "Thank you for coming to my party!"
So i'm replying, "No, thank YOU for inviting me to this fabulous party!" <3 

She gave everyone an apple as a gift because her English name is Apple. SO CUTEEEEEEEE! It's my first time receiving a fruit as a gift! Still, thank you for having me to your party!! :D 

Now... time to start planning for my 21st... :/ 

Saturday 30 June 2012

Gardens by the Bay

So it's finally time.... TO COVER UP THE OUTRAGEOUS GREEN/ALGAE/GRASS-LIKE HAIR! Let's bid farewell to my first and definitely last time of bleaching hair. No doubt I adore the green but... yah dying/bleaching of hair always got its downside. It will fade to a lighter colour if we keep washing our hair and on top of it, the weather have to be such a killer that it's almost impossible for us not to wash our hair. :/ #thisislife 

Goodbye, greeny :'(

Anw, Garden by the Bay at the Marina Bay Sands is finally here!! It looks so pretty just by looking at the pictures! I swear I am so going to visit this heavenly place soon! Prolly next week if time allows :/

Heard that it's a lot nicer during night time! 

Can you believe that this is in Singapore!? 
The prettiest attraction I ever saw in Singapore! 

Okay! Not going to search for more photos and get spoilers for myself. This is a place that everyone definitely have to visit! It's just too damn pretty to miss out, y'know! Best of all, admission fee is free!!! Unless you're going for the observatories or skywalk, but still it's at a reasonable price. :) Just google, 'Gardens by the Bay' for more information! 


Thursday 28 June 2012

Up and running!

Still came back to the blogging world after years of neglecting it. 
Of course will try my best to keep it as lively as I can. *crosses fingers*

Life had been full of obstacles, ups and downs for me. 
Came to associate with people which I wished I didn't and also people that I'm thankful for. 
It's ironic that how the people you wish you never met are the ones who change you the most.
Be it in attitude, perspective in life/love or your own personality.
Still.. It's up to us to decide whether this changes is for the better or worse. 
Ok! Enough about the pasts. 
It's over so let's just put it nicely behind us and pursue the future that we are yet to know! 

Gna' end off with a picture of the day!