Our Dreams

Our Dreams

Monday 2 July 2012

Happy 21st Birthday!

Been updating this blog of mine on an unearthly time! And it's high time for me to do something about my body clock before my school starts. :'(

Yesterday's event was quite nostalgic. Went to attend one of my closest primary school friend's 21st birthday party at NSRCC. Their bungalows are so modern and spacious, with individual BBQ pits! Great place to hold birthday parties or even family/friends' gathering! :)

First up!
Happy birthday pretty lady! <3

She's one of my closest friend for the pasts 6 years in Primary School but we just slowly drifted off after we were dispatched to different Secondary Schools and also busy with our own lives. It was only a few months back when she started organizing a few primary school outings, that's how we are finally back in contact! She's always like an elder sister to me; sharing our problems together, helping me to get my things done, nagging at me over small lil stuffs! Awesome friend to keep! <3 

Just by looking at this picture, makes me reminisce the old times :')
(sorry for the blurry pictures. He's a non professional photographer, please forgive)

Ended off my day with boyfriend coming over to play Diablo 3 together. Sorry, but we are damn hooked onto this game. We could spend hours back-to-back playing this game at either one of our house, and frankly speaking.. I enjoyed every bit of it! It just makes our relationship more fun rather than mundane normal couples would do. Yah, we will still go out and have dates just like any other couples but sometimes, we would rather spend the rest of our day playing Diablo 3 till the night falls. <3 

Such a lengthy post! :/ Let's end off with a picture of a very cute gift from the b'day girl! 

It wrote, "Thank you for coming to my party!"
So i'm replying, "No, thank YOU for inviting me to this fabulous party!" <3 

She gave everyone an apple as a gift because her English name is Apple. SO CUTEEEEEEEE! It's my first time receiving a fruit as a gift! Still, thank you for having me to your party!! :D 

Now... time to start planning for my 21st... :/ 

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